2024 Fall Equinox Ceremony
Sep 26, 2024
The more sacred mushroom ceremonies one attends, the more appreciation one gains for our wonderful sacrament. The mushrooms have the remarkable ability to heal us individually while bonding us collectively. The 2024 fall equinox ceremony was no different.
The diverse group of individuals came from as far as Michigan for this weekend camping event. Nestled in the river bottom of Barren River Magic Farm, our weekend began for most members on Friday night. After setting up tents and the communal kitchen members gathered around the fire for cocoa and conversation. Spending this informal time together allowed for many who have only met over zoom to get acquainted face to face. Observing those relationships blossoming from the outside is rewarding beyond words.
Saturday morning all ceremony participants and space-holding ministers arrived by 11 am and we were on time and ready for our noon preparation circle. Several members were experiencing sacred mushrooms for the very first time, some were rekindling a relationship that was put on pause by the drug war. The two hours that we spent sharing our intentions, our stories, our fears and our joys, was time well spent. It is inspiring to see how quickly a little authenticity and vulnerability can facilitate a container of safety. By 2pm we were ready to launch and launch did we ever!
Seven space-holders, magnificently employed what they have learned in their minister trainings and personal ceremonies. Jeff Love, Courtney McClure, Angela Allred, Petrina Bowman, Brian Buford, Stephen Headland and Eric Osborne all agreed that they were equally blessed to receive healing and profound joy simply by sharing the ceremony space with the participants.
Fourteen members partook in the sacrament together at varying dosages, from three to eight grams of Psilocybe cubensis. As is typical the responses varied widely. There were moments of hilarity, deep grief and frustration. Ministers and members alike held each other’s experience beautifully amidst the backdrop of a slow-rolling river and limestone outcroppings. The shade-dappled lawn allowed for grounding and connecting intimately with Mother Earth. The gentleness, the presence, the compassion with which everyone was met allowed the mushrooms to provide deep healing. Many members commented repeatedly on the level of safety and security they felt capable of exploring inner and outer expanses.
Dosing at 2pm meant that by 8pm everyone was pretty well landed and gathered around the campfire. There were still tears to be cried and laughs to be shared but the intensity had passed and most sat in the afterglow of their experience enhanced by dancing shadows and flickering flames.
Many of these members and space holders had been part of Psanctuary for two years or more. This level of involvement in our community and dedication to their own spiritual growth provided an unspoken and subconscious contribution to the setting in subtle yet profound ways. This container held newer members in a way that allowed everyone to feel part of something much bigger than just this weekend experience; a sense of purpose and belonging, being central to mental and spiritual health.
By 10pm most everyone was being sung to sleep by no less than three barred owls in the trees above. Those who remained around the fire until midnight shared more and more deeply until sleep became unavoidable. The following morning began with coffee and cannabis for many who reconvened around the fire with probably less than enough sleep.
Our 10am integration circle began with a meditation and Authentic Relating exercise beautifully led by minister Courtney Rose. The depth to which members and ministers were able to speak to and reflect upon their experience from the day before was stunning. Everyone showed great appreciation to the medicine, the ministers and each other. All were able to recognize this this was only the beginning of processing their powerful experiences and all recognized the value in continuing this conversation beyond the bounds of our circle.
Departure was bittersweet. Those returning to homes were there was little to no in person psychedelic community expressed some envy and sadness at their situation but were also resolved to be even more active in Psanctuary so that they could expand the network until it was in their own backyard.
- Eric Osborne
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